Page 285 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 285
Reality at Dawn - Constant Remembrance
altogether. But those who stick to the idea of the physical form alone as the Master, create for themselves the grossest entanglements and complications. Kabirdas has rightly termed such persons as Guru Pashu. But if the Master is a great divine soul who has secured his merger in absolute Reality, meditation on his form is, by far, of greatest advantage to the disciples. His body, though gross in outward appearance is really as fine and subtle in character as his inner self. If you meditate on the form of such a Master, you not only begin to lose your own grossness but also begin to imbibe within you the finest condition of his inner self. The form taken up in view will after some time disappear from the sight and you will gradually embark on the plane of pure Reality. I have discussed in my book Commentary on Ten Commandments of Shahaj Marg, how the form disappears from view when you look at a thing constantly for some time. Thus automatically from the outward form, we travel inwards and then to the real point, where everything disappears.