Page 294 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 294
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
of existence. What we have to do now is to trace our steps back from the present gross form of existence to the previous finer and still finer form up to the farthest possible limit of human approach. In our present state of existence we are revolving round and round within the sphere of grossness. Our only hope lies in pushing our way right across towards the centre or the root cause crossing the finer regions one after the other. That is the essence of the spiritual science. The root cause of the entire universe from the finest to the grossest is the innermost centre, the base or zero. We may call it as God or Brahma.
The composition of a man also is exactly the same as that of the universe. Just as behind this solid external universe there are innumerable others of the finer and still finer type, so behind this gross physical form of a man there are numerous finer and still finer forms of existence. The outermost form is the gross body (or Sthool Sharir) behind which there exists the astral body (Sookshma Sharir) and the causal body (Karan Sharir). Besides these three outer forms there are innumerable other ones which are so fine and subtle that thinkers do not call them as bodies but only as fine coverings round the soul. It is really very difficult to put a name for each one of them, which may be countless. With all these innumerable forms, from the finest to the grossest, the man is in existence in the material world as a true copy of the universe or the entire manifestation of God represented