Page 309 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 309
10. My Vision
The world these days is passing through a critical stage. The political situation is growing extremely intricate day by day. The economic condition has become very depressing. Moral, religious and social degradation has almost reached its final limit. An atmosphere of rivalry, unrest and insecurity prevails everywhere. Every nation looks with jealous eyes upon her neighbour and utilizes all her resources in finding out means of exploiting it. The statesmen of the world are not quite ignorant of these facts. They are trying every means to reach a satisfactory solution of the various problems confronting the world. But the efforts of all the organisations set up for this purpose do not appear to bring forth encouraging results on the whole. The problem of world peace so prominent in the minds of the greatest politicians and statesmen is a mere illusion or a mirage.
The state of affairs in India does not hold out any bright prospect. Dissensions and party feeling are prevalent everywhere in the country. Self -interest is predominant. Moral principles are neglected. Problem of bread and butter is acute. But in spite of all these, some of us think that the country is progressing. The sign of progress they take to be the gradual drifting of the country towards the western type of civilization, which is based on pure