Page 31 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 31
Introduction to the Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
In the Efficacy of Rajyoga, Shri Ram Chandraji reveals the magnitude of His discoveries in the field of Yoga. Rajyoga has been said to be the original system of practice which tried to connect the Divine with the help of divine thought with the human individual mind or thought. Thought being the sovereign principle in man, the method has been called Rajyoga or sovereign Yoga. The other features of thought are not eschewed, but they are in the human being divided and disintegrated. The integral or unified divine thought takes care of all the processes in man once it is introduced into the system or organism of the seeker after Ultimate emancipation. It is not the goal of Yoga to attain powers of control over nature, which go by the name of siddhis (or miracles). Nor is it the aim of Yoga to attain the trance state (samadhi) whether it is called nirvikalpaka (asamprajnata) or savikalpaka (samprajnata).On the contrary the goal is attainment of liberation from all material organs and outward going mind and intellect. One realises the soul as different from its causal, astral and physical bodies, and attains the condition of Being in the Divine. All his activities are restored to the original condition of Nature. One attains the condition of real Isvaratva (freedom from the nature and its modifications).
In the Efficacy of Rajyoga Shri Ram Chandraji reveals the levels or regions of Heart, Mind and the Central Region to be placed even within the human