Page 334 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 334
First Knot
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
4.Knots - Granthis
The real state of enlightenment comes when we get into full consciousness of the condition of enlivenment and after imbibing its effect secure our merging in it.
When we develop this state and merge into its consciousness we come to know all about it and thus become jnani i.e., enlightened-up to that extent. The blissful state brought about by it, tempts our heart to go ahead and our touch with it offers inducement to enter into the next stage. Our courage intimates to us the happy tidings of our onward march towards the real life, which follows every Layavastha2 - state of merging. We get in
2 Layavastha:—stateofmerging.Mergingreallyreferstoastateofsettledness in the condition at a certain point, or knot, arrived at by the abhyasi. When after sufficient practice an abhyasi is able to secure his entry into a certain knot or granthi, he goes round in it for some time touring the place in order to acquire a thorough experience of it. By this process he begins to absorb in him the state prevailing at the place. When he becomes saturated with it, his merging has then come into effect. This is known as layavastha (merging). But the consciousness of the condition we have by now arrived at also exists, and so long as it does, the state of merging. cannot be said to have matured to fullness. For this we have to proceed on further to acquire the state of settledness, which is termed as identicality or sarupyata. This again is not to the final phase, till it has developed into a still finer state of sayujyata, where the
impressions of the state of merging and identicality also become extinct.