Page 343 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 343
Towards Infinity - Knots- Granthis
one who likes to do so, try for himself. The vibrations at the point are such as to make one feel the echo of the sound there. They grow loud and low with the change in the condition.
Sixth knot
Now we move on to the supra-material sphere, the brahmanda mandal. It is now the sixth knot, wherefrom the supra-mental sphere begins. It may not be here out of place to mention that one who after passing through the pind-desh has stepped into the brahmanda mandal shall not return to this earth for rebirth. This is the only benefit derived from knowledge up to this limit. The form of experiences is now changed and the effect of matter thins away considerably. From this point we now proceed either by the usual course stated previously or if available by the help and support of a worthy guide, who does not detain him longer than it is absolutely necessary but helps him on to the next knot after creating in him the conditions
4 Wisdom of the five fires: — The five elements viz. earth, fire, water, air and akash (space) are closely related with the five points of the pind-desh (the material sphere) which are located in the human body in the region of the chest. Mastery over these points means command over the fires (powers) of the elements related with them. All the material forces are directly or indirectly connected with the power of the elements. Thus a yogi, having gained mastery over these five points, secures command over the elements and can utilise their power for every genuine purpose.