Page 353 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 353
Towards Infinity - Knots- Granthis
after a cool bath in the river in the hot summers. Now when we have attained identicality which in other words, means living in the life of the place, the condition that develops after merging further into that living too, brings to us the happy tidings of our approach to the next knot.
Ninth knot
We now enter the ninth knot. The form of experiences changes further and we now come to the point wherefrom the real contact with Bhuma - the Absolute - starts. We enter a state in which we feel like born anew into another world. Our expansion in it now begins and along with it we also begin to gain consciousness of That to whom the sphere, we are now reborn in, belongs. Our feeling brings us to a conscious understanding of it and the mind recognises the presence of the Lord. His presence impresses the abhyasi so deeply that unconscious worship starts within. Individual activities of worldly nature get almost exhausted before coming into this state and the bare relationship between the Master and the servant remains to view. “He is the Master and we are his slaves,” is the predominant feeling at this knot, together with a reverential consciousness of His presence. Our own state at this stage is that of extreme supplication with an inexpressible softness of heart, marking the total absence of all feelings of ill will or enmity. This in fact opens to us