Page 359 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 359
5.The Final State
But dear brethren, all that has been talked about so far is not yet the end. We have to move further still, but now without the support of knowledge. This knowledgelessness alone, which I have termed as “ignorance”8 is now ours, which in refined state will lead us on to our ultimate goal. Nothing else can be capable of it. All the states and conditions of identicality and closeness are now over. Knowledgelessness has now developed in us, and it is but proper, for a man of knowledge shall never plunge into the ocean because he knows that the moment he does so his life shall be nowhere. That means he possesses that much of understanding. It is only our jnana-hinata or knowledgelessness that has at last launched us into the fathomless ocean. When we had plunged in, our eagerness for the end began to develop. Now we go on with that very thought; no boat is available because it had already sunk before we reached this place. Now there is nothing but going on and we swim on and on covering leagues after leagues. It is but certain that in the course of our voyage, now, we come across numerous ripples, folds and wrinkles, but all of them are quite silent and inactive except for a faint impression of their being. We proceed on with it till at last that impression too fades away as it finally must; and the surface becomes quite