Page 362 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 362
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
for the avowed saints to help them form a correct estimate of themselves. It is also but certain that such a personality never comes off and on and that he uses this special will only in matters of the spiritual nature and never elsewhere.
What is the “Special Will”? It is the “that” which admits of no doubt or misgiving. The negative phase being quite out of imagination, that alone which is to be remains in sight. Confidence grows so strong that nothing contrary can ever stand in the way. Of course there are some brave souls in whom it develops right from the beginning, but in that case it works only within its own sphere and not in higher ones. I now reveal this mystery so that people may try for it. In all matters whether worldly or spiritual a man should make use of it and try to avoid harbouring thoughts of failure or disappointment. Though in fact it relates exclusively to spirituality yet it does not mean that this science should not be utilised for worldly purposes. For a spiritual man, the use of it is of course indispensable and he can utilise it whenever he likes.
While discussing the various aspects of knowledge I have thrown some light on the science of matter too, but that is only in a way that it can be followed after deep study. The powers of creation and destruction are both present in Nature. Wherever the power of creation exists there also exists the power of destruction along with it. There is something like a dot or a grain in the centre of the first knot related above. In our spiritual pursuit we