Page 366 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 366
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
duality and non-duality become extinct. In the words of a poet, it can be translated as, — “‘I’ has turned into ‘you’, ‘I’ become the body and ‘you’ the life in it, so that none may henceforth say that I and You are apart from each other”. When we settle down in it having merged to the last possible limit what do we achieve thereby? I will simply say that all powers originating from below the Centre come to us and an abhyasi at this state of attainment can do all that Nature does. All the forces of Nature are under his command, and he supplies them power to keep the work of Nature a-going unimpeded. The sacred books often contain references to the effect that at times the different gods received power through different yajnas to bring out the desired results. But such methods are adopted only by those who abide in the sphere of duality. But all that is in an abhyasi, who is forgetful of his state of non- duality, is the reality of the real. He has power even to shorten the span of existence or affect whatever change he would like. His will shall work in all matters, though it may take time. The manifestation too has been a very long process covering a period of about 120,000 years time when judged through deep concentration from the level of highest super-consciousness. Though there was only one shock in the region of power just below the Bhuma yet the manifestation of the effect thereof and the accumulation of the necessary material for the purpose took the entire period mentioned above.