Page 47 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 47
Salient Features of Sri Ramchandra's Rajayoga
undoubtedly a serious question whether the thought as citta is used for the purpose of restraining itself. That is not the case, and what happens is that another force has to restrain it from going on its downward movement. It is this force that is said to be of the same nature as that of citta but in its refined form or superfine form which is to be used for the purpose of restraining the modifications of the citta.
Shri Ram Chandraji has shown that the original thought (which he calls Manas), with which the later formations of it including obviously the citta are identical in a sense but which have to be shown to be inversions of it, is to be used for controlling them. This power of Superfine Thought cannot be had unless one begins to contemplate or meditate on the Superfine thought itself or on one who is in full possession of it without any diminution, namely God Himself or a great Master who has arrived at that condition. Thought as understood by philosophers is just reason and reasoning. Such a reason is dependent for its existence on sensations and experiences which are sensory. The reasoning or reason cannot be correct unless it is also guided by the laws of reason. That is why the philosophers can be arriving at wrong conclusions or erroneous judgments. There are any number of