Page 54 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 54
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
As Shri Ram Chandraji puts it “when we meditate on a living form, the form naturally remains in our view. When the attention gets fixed in it everything superfluous then gets out of sight. When one goes deep into it, it transforms and assumes the form of mere impression. Further on that too sinks into a subtle idea of his Greatness. The ‘jyoti’ experienced in the heart is a reflection of Reality....”
Many abhyasis (practicers of meditation) have found it difficult to keep the outer form of their beloved Godhead before their meditation, whether it be the living Master also. The difficulty is due to the very nature of the transference of outer experience to the inside. It becomes a gross kind of meditation, for the outer is the gross expression of the inner. There has therefore been a great deal of difficulty in convincing the meditator about the change of external appearance in meditation. One should let oneself go in the inner and experience the flow of the Master’s superconsciousness within oneself. Surely it may reveal many experiences. At each stage of ascent there will be experienced different kinds of light. The ascent itself is featured by various experiences at the several knots or wheels (chakras). Shri Ram Chandraji points out that all the chakras begin to glow as the Superfine Consciousness begins to pass through them.