Page 66 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 66
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
man.1 Naturallyhededucedthatthoughtcouldbringout such results and that its power is unlimited. He then took work from the thought power which fell to our lot, and with it he started training. That is the basis of Raja Yoga or the king of yogas. The kingly thing in us is thought which ultimately develops, steering us to our goal. Sages after sages have improved and developed it as their practical experience increased. Thought ultimately takes the form of reality, and appears in naked form, so to say. This can all be verified by the persons having clairvoyant vision of a high merit. There may be different methods of teaching through this science but the governing principle remains the same. With this power or force we establish a link with God. Improvements have, at times, been made by great sages to develop it according to the needs of the time. Commentaries have been written on the subject,
1: The theory relating to the origin of the human mind, as expounded in this book, stands on quite rational grounds. The primary stir brought into action by the dormant will of God led to the cause of existence. The stir set into motion the latent powers, and the process of creation and animation started. The same root- force appearing as stir or stimulus descended in every being in the form of the chief active force. In man it came to be known as the mind at the root of which there is the same dormant will just as it was in the stir. Thus the human mind is closely identical with the root-force or the original Stir of which it is a part. As such the functions of both are also closely similar.