Page 15 - Dawn of Reality an Exposition of REALITY AT DAWN of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj
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specific purpose. It really means that we should practise devotion without our eyes being fixed upon any worldly object or without caring for the satisfaction of our desires. It does not stop us from fixing our mind upon the goal of life, which is absolutely essential for those on the march. The goal of life means nothing but the point we have finally to arrive at. It is in other words, the reminiscence of our homeland or the primeval state of our present solid existence, which we have finally to return to. It is only the idea of destination, which we keep alive in our minds and for that we practise devotion only as duty. Duty for duty’s sake is without doubt ‘Nishkam Karma’ (selfless action) and to realize our goal of life is our bounden duty.
Now I come to the point what the real goal of life should be. It is generally admitted that the goal must be the highest; otherwise progress up to the final limit is doubtful. For this, it is necessary to have a clear idea of the highest possible limit of human approach. We have before us examples of Rama and Krishna, the two incarnations of the Divinity. We worship them with faith and devotion and want to secure union with them. Automatically that becomes our goal of life and we can at the utmost secure approach up to their level. Now Rama and Krishna, as incarnations, were special personalities vested with supernatural powers to work as medium for the accomplishment of the work, which nature demanded and for which they had come. They had full command over various powers of nature and could utilize them at any time in a way they thought proper. The scope of their activity was limited in accordance with the nature of the work they had to accomplish. They descended from the sphere of Mahamaya, which is a state of Godly energy in the subtle form hence the most powerful. It is due to this fact that we find excellent results coming into effect through their agency in their lifetime. The highest possible point of human approach is much beyond the sphere of Mahamaya; hence a good deal above that level. It may be surprising to most of the readers but it is a fact beyond doubt. The final point of approach is where every kind of force, power, activity or even stimulus disappears and a man enters a state of complete negation; Nothingness or Zero. That is the highest point of approach or the final goal of life. I have tried to express it by the diagram. The concentric circles drawn round the centre ‘C’, roughly denote the different spiritual spheres we come across during our progress. Beginning our march from the outermost circle we proceed towards the centre crossing each circle to acquire the next stage. It is a very vast expanse. If I speak of liberation, people will think it to be a very far-off thing, which can be achieved by persistent efforts for a number of lives. In the diagram the state of liberation lies between the 2nd and 3rd circles. The various conditions we have to pass through in order to secure liberation are all acquired within about a circle and half. This may help the reader to form a rough idea of what

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