Page 27 - Dawn of Reality an Exposition of REALITY AT DAWN of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj
P. 27

The Guru
Having in view our determined goal and the proper means to achieve it, our next lookout must be to find out the right type of person as our guide, who might successfully take us along the path of realization. In all cases (including those pertaining to worldly attain-ments), we stand in need of the help of a capable guide. It may, however, be possible that after acquiring some knowledge, we may proceed further by our self -effort. But even then we have to depend upon the experience of the teachers of the past contained in their books and writings. In spirituality the case is otherwise. The need of a Guru or Master grows greater and greater as we go on advancing and securing higher stages. Books are of no avail to us in this respect. They may help us to acquire superficial knowledge of things to enable us to deliver eloquent discourses on spiritual topics and to win arguments, but practical approach in spirituality through them alone is impossible. Yogic practices and Sadhanas based on knowledge acquired through books are mostly misleading and even harmful to our spiritual advancement. It is only the helping support of a capable guide that can take us on up to our destination. It is said of Maulana Rumi, a celebrated Persian poet and the author of eighteen books on spirituality, that once he approached a great saint to receive spiritual training from him. The saint asked him to throw all his books into the river, if he wanted to have practical training from him. As this meant to him the loss of his life-long labour he did not agree to it. Several times he approached the saint with the same request but received the same reply. Finding no other alternative, he at last submitted to his demand, threw away all his writings into the water and became his disciple. Actual realization comes only after training in the realm of practice, and for that, knowledge or erudition proves to be of little assistance.
The help of a Guru or Master is, therefore, essential and indispensable for those engaged in spiritual pursuit. There have been cases, however, where sages have attained perfection by mere self -effort, surrendering themselves direct to God. But such examples are rare. It is really a very difficult course and can be followed only by persons, specially gifted with uncommon genius. Guru is the connecting link between God and man. It is through his medium only that we can reach God. He is the only power that can extricate us from the intricacies of the Path. During our spiritual march we have to pass through various points, known as Chakras (figuratively called lotuses). They are the centres of concentrated energy of the Real Power of Divine force inherited by man. They are located in different places within the human frame. The intervening space between the two points is characterised as a network

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