Page 76 - Dawn of Reality an Exposition of REALITY AT DAWN of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj
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attempts to synthesis religion and spirituality in terms of humanism and secularism are too rational and limited in their scope to be of lasting nature in the society. That spirituality in essence is natural and rational extension - logical one too- of all religions will have to be taken cognisance of. The old system of real spirituality will have to be reopened and re-activated, to raise the level of consciousness of all our beings. Rev. Babuji Maharaj has shown the contours of a new vista of human unity. The new spiritual era has started with the advent of the Raja Yoga of Sri Ram Chandra. The possibilities of human consciousness capable of expanding to the hitherto unknown frontiers of the Divine and all religious Gods to the Central Core of Existence or the Centre have been re-discovered for us. The awareness of this limitless State upto which one’s consciousness can grow is the only answer to the conflicting and confrontationist attitudes of men to unify themselves. Then only we all can be relevant and be active participants in the Divine Lila and Material Manifestation restoring the original harmony, balance and order. There is everything in the world for the legitimate needs of all of us but all this cannot satisfy the greed of a single human being. That such awareness is possible not only in theory but something that can be achieved by every one in one’s own life time itself through RajaYoga is the clarion call of Rev. Babuji. It is this process of Divinisation of men and women, only, that can be the logical extension of all religions is what our Master has proved himself and beckons us to share His Experiments with Spirituality and Ultimate Reality. He assures us with unfailing certainty of His constant and continuous support until we attain the “Goal of Life” during one’s present “Janma” and be useful “Participative reflections of the Divine Expression”. If a religion serves this true purpose and objectives of human growth and happiness, then only it can be called real religion. Then only will it have fulfilled its destined role and served the cause of humanity. Let us draw inspiration from the Founder- Fathers and God-Heads of all religions and comprehend the essence of their Sayings and Teachings in correct perspective which only mirror equality of all beings; The Oneness of the Ultimate and human harmony in Balanced Existence. Rev. Babuji Maharaj has offered to us a “Way of Spiritual Living” that strikes natural Balance with our material life. Sri Ram Chandra Raja Yoga endeavours to raise the consciousness of all of us to levels of real human being. All this without any distinction of religion, caste, race or sex; Come! Brothers and Sisters, let us all be active participants in the saga of individual transformation of the inner being to its real nature and help the Cosmic and Divine Missions of restoring poise and equilibrium in the Nature. The nectar of real life is for Him and Him alone who brings himself upto the standards required for the Godly purpose.
Rev. Babuji’s System of Raja Yoga is called so simply because it is dependent

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