Page 84 - Dawn of Reality an Exposition of REALITY AT DAWN of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj
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us as something that is tangible and relevant in every walk of life. It is a concrete feeling responsive to the natural and spiritual development of human life as such. It transcends the existing limits and inadequacies of preaching in big words and becomes a social and Godly personalised pursuit as integral to human existence. We are not to seek the God as goal of life in Himalayas or in any form. That is not the God we want; that is not the personality we are seeking. The God that modern man wants is the One who is with him all the time, who keeps company with him and who gives inspiration to work for others as an obligation to the society. This influx of Divinity in our actions, in every work we do is what is the goal. We will be ‘In God’, ‘with God’ and ‘For God’ in the society in which we are destined to live as trustees of the God. This is the goal. What is the goal of human life? To enable others to see the Divinity in us - this is possible by our seeing the Divinity in them. This again is possible when we know the commonness of our origin. The attainment of this Godly state is the birth right of every one and the earlier we realise it, the better it is for quicker individual growth. What is needed is the iron will to achieve the goal and the Great Master is at our “beck and call’ to take us to our final Destination.
When we know that all of us have come from one and the same origin, there is no question of separateness between ourselves. We know each of us is a heir to that Divinity, we are direct descendants, we are successors and we are representatives of that Divinity. Only thing is we have chosen to represent ourselves and not the Divine. We have only to express that Divinity, then the problem is solved. That is more natural, what we are doing is un-natural. That is the reason for the ascendancy of the materialism in its worst manifestation and total pollution of human and spiritual environment in the world today. We, as individual physical entities, are not going to exist forever. But Divinity will continue forever in one form or the other. No individual existence is permanent. But Permanent Existence is always there in all of us. If it expresses fully, there is only cordiality, harmony, peace, love and compassion. It is only individual ego and existence of ‘I’ which leads to conflicts and competition. That is also the beginning of Gurudom. But the fact is that there is only one above and that is Divinity. That is the spiritual truth; under the one umbrella of God, all of us are equal and there is nothing special about any one of us. This is not unknown to our ancestors and sages. Yet, contradictions and divisions continue. This reflects selfish, egoistic and materialistic baser tendencies of evil minds. That is the trouble of Gurudom. Equality for all and no special privilege for any body is not only democratic but spiritual as well. And we will never say we are above others so long as we know that it is Divinity that is there in all and that awareness will always make us feel humble. There is a significant meaning behind the great Hindu salutation

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