Page 87 - Dawn of Reality an Exposition of REALITY AT DAWN of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj
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many religionists - lies at the very door steps of our march. The final Point of approach is where every kind of Force, Power, Activity or even Stimulus disappears and a man enters a state of Complete Negation; Nothingness or Zero. Traditionally, no spiritual state was clearly discernable beyond Sahasra Dal Kamal or Brahma Randhra or Sahasrar, which is considered the final door - way for the passage of the soul into Eternity. In his spiritual research, innovation or discovery, Rev.. Babuji has identified higher regions of our Origin - The Godly Mind Region and the Ultimate in terms of the Centre and the Central Region. These revelations have changed the very complexion of our spiritual understanding of our Base and Divinity Itself. The Great Master explains the nature of Existence in that everything in the Universe is Consciousness from subtlest to grossest level. It is therefore possible for subtler level consciousness to descend into the grosser levels and purify the same so as to enable its ascent to higher levels. Thus, Yoga is a practical possibility and individual Sadhana would certainly ensure such transformation to subtlest level possible with the Master’s support. The Master has categorised the consciousness into three broad divisions - conscious, sub-conscious and super conscious. The effect of the activities of the lower consciousness settles down upon the sub-conscious mind forming fate. The first and fore-most step in our sadhana is to set right and correct the lower consciousness by right thinking, action and conduct; thus, this practice may convert itself into a spiritual force to bring the sub-conscious mind into a state of splendour, poise and equilibrium - paving the way to our march to Super-conscious or what Rev. Master has termed as “Super-sub- consciousness” and ultimately to the goal which is even beyond Reality. This is what we should aim as a goal of our life, Sadhana and Destiny.
While discussing the spiritual spheres that we come across during our progress, Rev. Master succinctly expressed the final goal through a diagram denoting the Centre ‘C’ with concentric circles drawn around. Diagram at Page 30. As we start our journey from the outer-most circle, we have to cross each circle to attain or acquire the next stage. This is a very vast expanse beyond human sensory perception. The state of Liberation lies between circles 2 and 3 whereas various conditions we have to go through to secure such liberation lie within only about one and half circles. This gives us a lucid idea where the state of liberation does lie and what more still remains to be achieved after we have reached the state of liberation. After crossing the five circles of Maya, we enter the stage of Avyakta Gati (Undifferentiated State), when a man is totally freed from the effects of Maya. The region of Heart is now crossed. Satya (Truthful speech, thought and action), Ahimsa (not only non-injury to others but ability to face all types of Himsa - violence, injury etc.), Asteya (Abstention from stealing in all its variants), Aparigraha

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