Page 90 - Dawn of Reality an Exposition of REALITY AT DAWN of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj
P. 90

Ways and Means
spirituality is my responsibility, Practice is your Responsibility. - The Master
Rev. Babuji Maharaj brings out the Ultimate Experience as it was at the Dawn of Creation. In that state, Reality is in its highest potentiality. It has been understood as the Substratum of Existence and the Base or Origin of the Material Manifestation. This is the Reality which once being known all get known. It is the root of all Existence or Satyasya Satyam. This is the Asat in the sense that It is non-existence that was prior to all this Existence. It is That (TAM) which is to be known, seen, felt and entered into, if one seeks not only liberation from the cycle of births and deaths but the Ultimate State, which one has to enter at the End of the Time. It is the Ultimate - the Primal Being which is verily “Non-existence” to all the ways of knowing that man has at his command - perception, inference, analogy, or even the Sabda or the scriptural revelation. It can, now, only be known through the Grace of Rev. Babuji Maharaj and through means of Yogic Transmission (Pranahuti) of the power of consciousness far above the conventional Pramanas or ways of knowledge. This has been made possible - to the farthest extent feasible for all human beings by the Great Master. It is His Mission, cosmic in nature and hence it becomes the individual goal of life as well. This personal goal becomes relevant to the Universal Mission when, on being liberated or having attained higher levels of spirituality or consciousness, one can participate in the Divine Lila and help restore order and balance. Thus, the individual becomes the Centre of Focus of Babuji’s Cosmic Task and becomes integral to Divine Wisdom, Thought and Action. So, having determined our goal of life, the next step would be to find out ways and means to achieve this objective. Our goal of life is the final stage where we are nearest to the Super Active Centre or Zero. In our System, the Sadhana is not merely formal and mechanical or ritualistic, it has a definite object, a purpose and an End. The primary object is the transformation of the individual so that he can fulfill his destined role of His Expression. This leads to the purpose of our Practices that is Master’s Divine Mission which is the restoration of World Harmony and Balance so that the Creative Processes can attain their logical and rational culmination of His Happiness. This is again followed by the Realisation of the soul - the individual fate vis-a-vis Godly State. This end is the final goal of life, where on reaches the place of his Origin and Base or the nearest possible proximity to the Divinity. This is stated as “Complete oneness with God”. It is

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