Page 96 - Dawn of Reality an Exposition of REALITY AT DAWN of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj
P. 96

The Guru
God is the Real Guru or the Master; We get Light from Him alone.
- Rev. Babuji Maharaj
Our urge to return to or merge with the Ultimate Reality is the result of the Central Force, that we partook before the Creation when all was part of the Base, being strong and of permanent nature and compelling to seek union with the Origin. While such is the essential nature of everything, animate and inanimate, the human life is considered to be the highest because of the common linkage with the Divinity through the Thought-Force or Manas. This craving to seek oneness with the God led to the emergence of spirituality as a means for such Union. At the same time, everybody in the world has a role to play - both individually and collectively - in the other part of Divine Expression - the Material Existence. This duality of our duties has complicated the understanding of specially those who have concealed the Divinity in them and have started expressing themselves. The goal-clarity, therefore, requires us to reconcile our Dharma and Duty - spiritually and materially. Rev. Babuji Maharaj says that Balanced Existence is the summum bonum that would, in toto, meet this apparent contradiction - which is, in fact, self-created. While doing whatever we need to in the material world as His representatives, or Trustees, we need to select the spiritual goal which should be the highest that one can attain in this life. Thus the goal-consciousness of “Complete Oneness with the God” should always be at the back of our mind and dominate all our thoughts and actions resigning completely to His Will. Having this view of our determined goal, we need to select ways and means that can integrate in our day-to-day life. Here comes our Master who assures positively that it is Raja Yoga and Raja Yogaalone that can lead to our Ultimate Destination or the highest point of human approach where one is in perfect harmony with Nature assuming our absolute and pure form. The simple meditational practices of Dhyana (Meditation on the Divine Light in heart), Kshalana (Cleaning Process by One’s own Thought-Force), and Prarthana (Prayer completely yielding to the Master) with the support of the Master through Pranahuti form part of this Raja Yoga of Sri Ram Chandra, as it is now known in the Institute of Sri Ram Chandra Consciousness. We are fully convinced that this is the only Raja Yoga that makes the highest possible goal of life being achieved by every real sadhaka through the practical ways and means set by the System. But the help and support of a truly worthy Guide is, of course, sine qua non and essential factor. A true seeker will

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