Page 111 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 111

 This is one of the reasons why abhyasis interested in progress are counselled to get individual sittings from the preceptors or Shri Ram Chandraji himself, as their own will-power is neither developed nor pure.
Shri Ram Chandraji has stated also that the portions of the Heart, upper and lower, which are bright and dark respectively, and the points in the upper region A and B, recur in the Higher Regions also i.e., of the Upper part of the Heart Region (in or above the forehead) and in the Mind Region and the Central Region as well. However, they do not occupy the same portions there; there is the inversion of the portions according to the principle of invertendo. In the Anant ki Or (Towards Infinity) Shri Ram Chandraji mentions as many as 13 knots (granthis) and not all of them belong to the .
When the purification of the points A and B is done with the help of the Master's Superconsciousness or its transmission, there is hardly any room for the incidence of egoism which attends all individual effort. I have mentioned this in the article on the subject in the Natural Path 1960 April number.
Shri Ram Chandraji also mentions that sages (rishis) usually descend in the Upper region of the heart, and that is why several abhyasis begin to have vision of rishis. This is what is meant by saying that the rishis descend at that point or part of the heart. Several saints have had visions of the rishis like Narada, Vyasa, and others, and it must be presumed that they descend at this Region of the heart. However, the real experience of the Godhead in the Heart should be sought at this upper part; and many seem to experience a flame or jyoti. But the true experience will lead the abhyasi to higher levels. It is, as it were, one is led by a Superconscious Personality. Or a Superhuman Personality leads one upward.
The ascent from this Heart Centre to the upper Heart Centre follows on the aspiration of the individual having been awakened. The course taken up is not the usual route spoken of by the tantric system of Sat-cakras (six centres). It must be made clear, as already pointed out, that whatever may be the value of these six-centres, it is not with the Kundalini our journey is linked up.
The ascent of the Kundalini through the six centre, Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipuraka, Anahata, Visuddha, Ajna, is not shown to be the

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