Page 147 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 147

 counts almost nothing. That is in all observation 'I see' 'I know' 'I observe' the 'I' can be eliminated and we can say 'It is observed'. When you go to micro-working, or Infinitesimal work, or when you are thinking of general theories of relativity, the individual himself has to be eliminated; and it seems to be impossible for any scientist to eliminate the observer or individual because he develops a field of his own. He cannot, therefore, be eliminated so they have to make their formulae inclusive of the personal observer. And this observer, therefore, is an impediment to the objective understanding of reality. That is why the 'ego' cannot be removed. The ego is the observer and somebody should observe in order to get the results. There can be no experience without the observer and so the observer is in the picture. It may be anything that he observes. You must include him in the whole picture of understanding about the Ultimate.
So, when people say Sat Cit Ananda they think that it is the Ultimate, we find it is not so. So, Master says that many people think that SAT is God, which we have to reach and think that is the Ultimate. Now that is not the Ultimate because it includes the difference between the 'observer' and the 'observed'. And when you can eliminate the observer, then Reality alone remains. Suppose we can eliminate the 'one' by some means (of course it is very difficult) then, we can have only the Reality. The 'I' has already merged. When can the 'I' or observer merge in the Ultimate which gives value to it. That is only done when you are able to become completely a zero. The SAT or Being then gets merged. That condition can not be described. That is what we say in our Sri Ramchandra's Rajayoga 'OM TAT SAT'. The idea is, when you pass beyond the three levels of consciousness of waking, sleeping and dreaming, you come across a condition where the 'I' is negated. That is what other people call Sat. We do not say Sat Tat, but we say Tat Sat.
So is the Being and that which you know as the Being. No philosophy can really come into being unless you reach the Being. All that we now speak of may be a kind of SAT, working with the 'I' which you cannot eliminate. So, you will see that all such knowledge is bound to be imperfect if not unreal. But if you reach that stage, it is Being. From this point of view you can say it is nothing. For us, that TAT is nothing, zero. But without it we cannot exist. In fact it is the most valuable number if it can be called a number at

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