Page 176 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 176

 have a bigger compound and still bigger compound and so on and erecting compounds to prevent people from jumping into our houses and entering into them. Our own body may be considered to be a series of securities built up around us, around ourselves. Now, after having built up our securities suppose we have been confined to the inner arena and never move out of it and perhaps misplace our keys also, so that we cannot get out of that, then we think we are prisoners within our own security. We know a fortress that is built by our people to defend themselves from enemy, finally becomes a prison - house when it is surrounded by others. Now this is how we have built up our securities and attachments. So, the very things we thought were necessary for our existence are now discovered to be obstructions to our freedom. In fact, we are prisoners in our own house in our own bodies by our own attachments.
Now, I shall give another example, firstly a man wants to have a security of wife, and in fact it is mutual let us say, after wards they beget children and a security of children and then more children, more security and then finally what do you find? In fact, we have what we call family misery, not family happiness. Our intentions were good, our achievements have been rather disappointing. The one way by which some people say we can get rid of this attachment is "remove all walls; throw away the body, throw away the family, renounce them, this is the only way by which we can get liberated". But I believe, if we only think why we constructed for a while, and that it is not a kind of madness or foolishness, then we find that these securities are necessary, but without attachment. They must be flexible. We must have the power to control the securities and we must be able to displace some securities with other types of securities. That is, all these organisms are built-in mechanisms. Then we need not get rid of the organism itself, if we are flexible in human nature. I think we have a freedom to adjust the securities. So this freedom is what we can really see when we use our reason. So renunciation as it is told by monks or mendicants is I say a disastrous process when it is done against a society within which we have to grow. There is nothing wrong about us in that we are attached to them as if they are our real securities and real bondages. There is neither bondage nor security in them except that we find them obstructing our real freedom or when we find them not helping our freedom. Everything is done for the sake of freedom and not for the sake of bondage. But we also know

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