Page 188 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 188

 Lecture -13
In the next section of His work Master mentions the several ways to realisation. In this connection, I should say that there are many number of ways propounded by the ancients. Some of them have been very subtle. Many of them have been gross. And gross practices lead to gross results and subtle processes help realization. And at every stage in the history of spirituality, we find that some people are able to grasp the subtle aspect of the Yoga, where as a large number of people are much more tempted to take to the gross ways and that is the reason why decadence came in every system of Yoga of the ancients. It is not that the Yoga which has now come to us is the root with which those systems started. I hold the belief that every spiritual leader was very subtle at the beginning and the close disciples of the original Master knew the Inner Secret and Power of that system and they found that. But they, in their anxiety to teach people who are lower down in the scale of understanding tried to make it amenable to the lower type and purposefully grossened some of the aspects of the Sadhana, with all good intentions, I assure you. But, good intentions and spirituality or reality do not go together. As it is very nicely put: "The path of Hell is paved with good intentions". That is why, we are today seeing a gross practice in every system or religion - the higher religion or the lower religions - it does not matter at all. Every one of them is wrought with grossness.
Now, it is necessary to remember that we are starting the practice of a new method devised only for subtle realization of the subtle reality. Therefore, we are in a condition to appreciate the subtle things and subtle quality of the meditation, and the means prescribed for attaining the Reality is propounded by Shri Ram Chandraji, because we are about the first set of people and that is an advantage which we can claim. Therefore, I would say, without any attempt to make our system gross in order that men lower down in understanding can appreciate, we should try to see that this very subtle system need not be made gross for lower people to understand. I hold that this system is equally capable of taking up the gross men to a subtle condition without reducing or making it grosser in order that gross men can be taken up. "Do not try to be more intelligent than the Master" - that is

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