Page 303 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 303

 The recurrence of similar experiences at different levels of consciousness is a well-attested fact. The experience of the expanding subtle forms of force are thereby not to be considered to be just differences in degree, but differences in kind. Further, Sri Ram Chandra tells us that there is a new principle involved in this process of ascent of the consciousness or force. There is the principle of invertendo or inversion: that which is the above becomes the below, and that which is the right becomes the left. The wave motion always gives us some idea of the inversion. This shows that the changes in function vary very much according to the position. In the nervous system there is the feature of decussation-the right going to the left and the left going to the right. This may be full or partial. Similarly phenomenon occurs in the general movement of consciousness. Therefore meditation is also generally counselled on that portion which is going upward, rather than that which leads downward.
The points of the heart region are to be considered in terms of the upward movement of the individual psychic being, and it may also become aware of the descending force, which supports the entire organism and its ascent. The old school had taught that there were seven centres called plexuses, which were placed at various parts of the human body: namely the sacral, sexual, solar, thymal, throat, centre of the eyebrows, and at the top of the head. They are all closely connected with the spinal cord. The coiled power, or serpent power, said to be at the sacral plexus is roused by means of breathing exercises etc., and made to flow through the central nerve in the spinal column (susumna) arousing all the other centres till it reaches the top of the head centre called sahasrara. Sri Ram Chandra shows that though this power, called Kundalini or serpent power, is within the system, it is not a power that makes for liberation, even though it assists the liberated being in doing cosmic work. It is not necessary to arouse it at all for attaining liberation. Further it is not necessary to go down to the lowest physical level for ascending from the heart to the Centre or the Ultimate centre. Yogis make much of this Kundalini following the footsteps of tantriks who seek to gain powers over the centres, and thus display magical effects. But these, ultimately, bind the individual, and in some cases it is just likely that the so called pancamakaras or five prohibited actions or things of higher Yoga, matsay, mamsa, mada, madyam, and mithuna,* have reference to this

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