Page 315 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 315

 The movement of the waves is always wavy, and that means that which is above becomes below and that which is below goes above. There is thus a kind of inversion. Secondly this kind of property is present in all cases of movement whether it is upward, or downward, sideways or angular, or inward or outward. The ancients have indeed mentioned that prana, or energy, or force, moves in five ways; downward, upward, sideways, rotatingly and inward, prana, apana, udana, samana and vyana. May be there are sub-divisions of these movements to explain the grossest formations, or to maintain the several organic systems, namely, the bone, muscle, blood, nerve, hormones, respiratory etc., also called upa-pranas. The inversion takes place in all cases. This inversion itself creates knot at the points of inversion, and thus the speed of the movement gets impeded. Thus there is a gradual slowing down of the movement, and this slowing down creates grossness and materiality. At each point of inversion there is, thus, the emergence of a new element of property.
All the several evolutes of the Original Thought-Energy can be shown to have come into being through a series of inversions, thanks to such wavy movements and vibrations, and later of particles of atoms. Thus Sri Ram Chandra shows that the knots are important points which also perform another function-they do not permit a return or back flow, and there is a kind of entropy tending to the maximum in these fields of movement-and not merely in terms of the Second law of thermodynamics.
The general law of inversion then operates, and not only do we have knots but also inversions; and thus in the organism that has grown out of these movements, vibrations, and degrees of loss of speeds and inversions, we must presumably be aware of the fact that in the several systems of cells, circulatory system, neural path and organs, there could be discerned the several systems of organization.
Sri Ram Chandra has, in his "Efficacy of Raj Yoga", clearly shown that the several centres at the Heart, the Forehead, the Crown of the Head and the Central Region, have their localizations of functions inverted. He has shown that what is below in the one centre gets reversed in the higher centre, and so on. Thus there will be resemblance between alternate points or centres.

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