Page 385 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 385

 may say that there are as many yogas as there are subjects! There is a yoga of art and a yoga of science. There is a yoga of money and another of poverty; a yoga of love and a yoga of hate. Take what our forefathers have done. The 64 kalas, the graceful and immortal sculptures; their mastery of languages; their discernment of the chakras; the movement of the kundalini; their discovery of the 3600 nadis ... all this and much more. How did they do all this? Please think of that.
As Sri Krishna said "Yogah Karmasu Kausalam". Kausalam means easy. That is one meaning. That is, in Yoga everything became easy. But kausalam has another meaning also. It means useful to all. That is, whatever is done in Yoga is productive of welfare to all.
In yoga we must be untiring. The results are grand and universal-mahat virya, mahat aisvarya, brhad Isvara. What jnana extended all the frontiers of the knowledge, the Siddhi! But there was an anonymity about it. I want to emphasize that. Yoga produces an anonymity, and not a synonymity with God! Their greatest mastery was the abolition of the self and of all identity. That was Real existence, they said. What you call non-existence is real existence; and what you call existence is really non-existence. Yours is a language of non-existence. Every parent knows that anonymity launches a child, and it is anonymity that brings it into this world. Most of the great men are anonymous. They come and having done their work, they go. About some of them, we don't even know when they were born, to whom they were born, and even how they were born. Some are said to have been born of flowers, others were found in trees. This is common. They were Adityas!
This is a great discovery. The normalcy of this is that the greatest force can be brought into your life if this "Pranasya Pranah" can be brought into your life, if this " Pranasya Prana" can be brought into you. It can be done if you offer yourself.
What Shri Ram Chandraji says is that there is a very easy way by which I shall be able to give you this by a transmission. The very first thing is the contact with God-consciousness. For the last 7 or 8 years I have been doing this, trying to put this force of God consciousness, by the Grace of my Master. A quietness of self abolition, a calmness, a de-tensioning takes

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