Page 408 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 408

 It is always sahaja, natural and comes about naturally during dhyana. These are not the extraordinary manifestations incidental to the samadhi induced by means of self-effort. It is a gift of the Divine or Guru, and does not produce any abnormal physical or physiological processes. The samadhi is asamprajnata - the higher condition than the samprajnata, and it is not sleep or a simulacrum of it, but the yogic prajna and the yogic turiya conditions. In fact one goes beyond the prakritilaya to the laya with the Self or the Ultimate Reality which is beyond the turiya, Turiyatita.
The spiritual condition resulting from this attainement is inexpressible peace, shanti that goes beyond all mere cessations, beyond all that go by the name of experience even. Most properly one reaches the Dawn of Reality, the original Root condition, beyond thought-force-prana. The Prasna Upanishad has mentioned this condition of the Prajapati as the person who brought out prana and rayi. But Master calls this Bhooma (Bhuma), the Ultimate State of which all other states are bhumikas or lesser states, of consciousness, the lowest being the personal individuated limited consciousness and below it the unconscious and the subconscious. Reality- consciousness can only be arrived at when one goes beyond thought (thought consciousness or truth). This is the goal and the perfection which man aims at whether it is in Vedanta or Yoga. But it is clear that without Yoga there is no verification of the Vedanta which yearns after just jnana which is a category of thought.
The liberation is possible only when one reaches this Reality-Centre though many consider that liberation can be of grades or only when one gives up this body (or rather all bodies physical, astral, mental, prakrtic) and not when one is yet remaining in the body. The Jivanmukti theory speaks about the release from sense of bondage though the prior effects of karma would hold on the body till the exhaustion (bhoga) takes place. According to Revered Babuji the Prarabdha and sancita karmas could be enjoyed even when going through the process of yogic union through transmission as they get destroyed even as it is said that they get destroyed by jnanagni in the Gita. The thought - pranic force destroys them by bringing them to bhoga in a variety of ways and cleans the system completely, so much so that the real jivanmukti, living freedom or freedom even within this body, can be enjoyed through the divine grace. The pranasya prana (pranahuti)

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