Page 415 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 415

 purusaic evolution, which is explained as the frontal heart cerebral movement of the consciousness.
Samadhi as transcendental meditation is a double-edged experience. On the one hand samadhi provides the break away from the prakrtic embodied consciousness into the purusaic-that involves suspension of all bodily activities. This samadhi has been known to be reserved for those who have totally discarded attraction for the body and given up any attempt to use it for any purposes. Of course the actual practice has been rather opposed to this total renunciation. Therefore, samadhi as the radical withdrawal of the consciousness from the body is not fully accepted as the way to realisation, though a few yet cling to it as the only truth.
Samadhi as the state of purusa - consciousness really realizing itself within the prakrti, which is, as it were, but its ksobh, and externalized, is what the sahaja method seeks to attain. This does not mean the severance of the link between the purusa and the prakrti, which are usually set against each other. The realisation of the highest consciousness - the purusaic within the prakrti or the body is naturally brought about by the transmission of the Ultimate thought arising from the Ultimate purusa or Self or God, samadhi is not a state of trance - loss of bodily consciousness as such. It is a deepest state of absorption in the Ultimate from which one derives all power and consciousness and bliss and existence for then one goes beyond all these too.
The correlations made by Sri Ramchandra are invaluable and form a corrective to the speculative conjectures of the tantrikas and the mantrikas.

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