Page 447 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 447

 The turiya and its Relation to Evolution
In the first chapter an effort was made to show that the Turiya and the Turiyatita are not states of consciousness as much as the Self itself. The Turiya is the individual self, the Turiyatita is the cosmic self, the divine. The fusion of both is so integral and complete, there resting in each other so overflowing, that there can be distinction between the Turiya and the Turiyatita. They are aspects of how we view the individual. One is the body of the other. The vaster truer consciousness or being is the Divine the satyasya satyam, mahatomahiyana. The turiya is described by the Mandakyopanishad - speaks about the turiya as the highest state, beyond the three states of our pragmatic existence, which bind. The three states of our conscious life, are the deep sleep, the dream and the waking. The functions of these three states are in the deep sleep, sushupti- the mind is absolutely set in abeyance and the self is merely looking on, or there is mere awareness (prajna) in the second state of consciousness. There we have dream-consciousness full of gorgeous splendour of images string - like phantoms on the state: but there is one order of desire of the Isvara, the maker; this is the stage of imagination. No implicit stage of consciousness reveals the extraordinary part imagination plays in the dream - life - it is full of revelations of combinations of sensual data which are reformed or unformed and synthesized by the logic of desire. In fact in the early period of one's life the wish-fulfillment has a predominant phase in dream-life: and later only we have the compensation playing an almost supreme role in dream-consciousness. Waking consciousness is the meeting ground of the actual field of imagination and fulfillment. Deterred fulfillment seeks its compensation in dream-life; success also seeks its wings in speculative dreams.
But it is also interesting to think of these states of consciousness as merely establishing that continuity of our life with our evolution. These three are merely phases of our biological experience. The deep sleep is the state of our primitive life already undergone which apparently seems to be so alien to our modern existence of our waking life. But an investigation into the study of the unconscious level reveals it to be no mystery as the psychoanalysts seek to make it. The only mystery is the mystery that it is the complete history of our consciousness and its experience written even in

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