Page 455 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 455

 Human Destiny in Sri Ramchandra's New Darshana
(The article is one of the unpublished papers of Dr. K. C. Varadachari and did not carry any Title. Taking consideration the purport of the article the topic has been named. A few changes and incorporations from the writings of Rev. Babuji, had to be made in the paper and this was done by me. It is hoped that readers will get the spirit behind the system and everyone responds according to the need of times. - K. C. Narayana).
"We are all brethren connected intellectually, morally and spiritually - the main goal of human life. This and that have gone now. There remains the purity alone in all His work and environment which weaves the spiritual destiny of the persons with the Ultimate" Message of Rev. Babuji Maharaj on 30.1.1982. The spirit of this call delivered just about an year before the Master shed His mortal coil was well anticipated by Dr. K. C. V. in the article that follows.
Too easily the old habits and practices creep in and pollute the pure spiritual atmosphere sought to be perpetuated by Master in his infinite zeal to better humanity. Amazingly great rationalizations are given for habits and actions which show human weakness rather his awareness of Master. Pure devotion to Master gets unfortunately confused with slavery and slavish practices of the past: despite clear warnings by the Master in person as also in his works. Human nature does not seem to want Master and masterliness but continue as Brute and seek Slavery. Divinisation of humanity perhaps is the goal of Nature and Man seems to be totally unprepared for, nay unwilling for it. (The readers may note here the concept of Living Masters and the slavish and abject submission towards them not for Freedom but for relief of various kinds. Their number which is swelling by the day, no wonder, is just a manifestation of the old habits of Gurudom. K.C.N.)
The need for another Darshana or system of spirituality can be justified only if we accept the goal of Divinisation of Man. If this system is to be one more method of attaining "liberation" - then it is just one more. But the call of the Master is not to liberate a few souls, who come to his fold.

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