Page 462 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 462

 The downward movement in terms of time has taken so long that it might well appear that it must take double the time for return to that original matrix or Brahman. However it must be considered that this process of return or nivrtti or nisprapancikarana is not all really crave for seriously. If moksa or liberation means the cessation of all modifications of the Manas or citta, then it should follow that one would cease to be and may also involve that line of creative modification would have merged into the Manas and become nugatory or non-existent or realised its oneness in the ultimate. This might mean that other lines or rays of the Ksobh, such as the pinda, brahmanda, and Parabrahmanda and the Central Regions. The souls at different levels will continue to have their individualities till the whole ksobh is withdrawn into the Centre.
The total extinction of the individualities is not necessarily presumed.
Yoga is not an attempt to arrive at this pralaya or total extinction either of the Ksobh or of the individuality in some manner involving individual pralaya. Yoga would mean to realise the union or linking up of the individual Manas with the Manas at first so that he may be linked up with the Brahman which supports and sustains the Manas or Nature. According to some this linking up would involve or must involve the extinction of the individual manas and the individuality itself being swallowed up by the Great Manas (mahat). All that may be expected would be that the individual manas would have merged in the Cosmic and Supra-Cosmic Manas and become of their nature. Such a person would have become a cosmic man or one having supermind or vijnana or buddhi or any such manas which has gone beyond the limitations of the individual and particularised gross mentality.
The problem for the yogi would yet be whether his gross body would be persisting when the manas has attained the cosmic or super conscious states for the gross body itself is a formation out of the Mind or Manas. Here again there have been instances of yogis who have felt that the ultimate realisation or union with the Ultimate cannot permit the continuance of this gross body nor even the subtle bodies of the superconscious mind or buddhi. Therefore many had feared for their physical existence in Yoga and therefore were afraid of undertaking yoga of liberation, or for liberation.

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