Page 465 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 465

 good in his transcendence but also in His immanence according to Sri Aurobindo. His Lila is to be more glorious than His Eternity.
This ideal is yet in the proving. There is no doubt that there have been legends of those who have attained that status but that has not been the general nature of man or possible to humanity. Superman as a member of super humanity is a promised goal. But as Sri Ramchandraji says that it presumes that there is a Goal for God Himself or the Transcendent to realise Himself in terms of terrestrial immanence. On the other hand it is really possible to show that the Divine Transformation of the gross entails nothing more than that the gross can be divinely used according to the Nature in its highest purity. The human organism so infilled and re-organised in all its atoms and forces, tanmatras and bhutas, could perform supra cosmic functions and order in a natural way. For this the concept of an Ideal of humanity to be supermen is not strictly germane. Not the discovery of the supermind is strictly relevant as a step in the evolutionary cycle. It could be bye-passed. In any case the Yogi of this system sees that the divinisation of his nature requires the primal thought (Ksobh) rather than the descent of a supramental consciousness as that may mean the formation of a different type of humanity which is yet unfree, freedom being the supreme nature of the Ultimate Transcendence itself.
In a sense the ancients' felt that even the Devas are unfree though they are not subject to karma, they are subject to bhoga. They are also in a sense when rulers of the several levels of Nature subject to the laws of the several levels. Though the laws are perhaps framed by the Devas they are subject to them. The provision that the king can do no wrong does not apply, though perhaps this proviso has been adopted to put finality or omniscience in a person. The Devas may conceivably do no wrong. Our mythologies have demoted the Devas so much so they are shown in the ugliest of colours and poses. To speak of a devajati seems inappropriate in the context of our mythologies. The ancient seekers after liberation, knowing that gods are also bond, sought to go beyond the ideal of gods, or devajati. The Seer is far beyond them, not in the sense in which the Brahmins conceived them to be capable of being dictated to do what the ritualist Vedic rishi wished to do, but in the sense the real Seer is beyond the bondage of the Kshobh or Creative thought with all its cycle of births and deaths and dualities.

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