Page 55 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 55

 Shri Ram Chandraji introduces into this topic an important principle, namely, 'invertendo' or inversion. This consists in the peculiar process or inverting the arrangement during the passage from one place of experience or existence to another. *The left of an object becomes the right and the right becomes left at a different level.
In logic we speak of conversion as the process by which we make the subject of a proposition the predicate and the predicate the subject. But inversion proceeds further and in it we make the contradictory of the subject, the subject and the contradictory of the predicate, of the new proposition. Undoubtedly there is a change in the signs affirmative and negative in conformity with the principle of keeping up the meaning. There is, of course, as intermediate step in this process of arriving at the inversion, namely, the contrapositive. The idea, however, is that these are but ways of expressing the meaning of proposition in terms of subject and predicate and in terms of their negatives.
We are not concerned with this logical process, for we are not attempting to keep the meaning the same, rather we are attempting to reveal the inner dynamics of movement which leads to either the expression or passage of ascent or descent.
We know in physiology there is the arrangement of the nervous paths in such a way that the left side nerves move over to the right side of the brain and the right-side nerves move over to the left side of the brain. This is called decussion. There is also in respect of the eye, semi decussion, one group of left side nerves move to the right side, and similarly with right side group of nerves.
Shri Ram Chandraji has written in the Efficacy of Rajyoga about this decussion or inversion of the sides in respect of the upper and lower parts of the heart and brahmanda, parabrahmanda and the central region. The upper becomes the lower and then once again becomes the upper and so on.
This seems to be so general or universal a law that it is perhaps possible to apply it to the knots which seem to operate in this manner because of the twist that enters into every knoting.

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