Page 64 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 64

 God thus is our goal (upeya). The Paramapurusartha or supreme goal greater than even freedom from birth-death cycle. Shri Ram Chandraji has thus laid great stress on this most important goal of life. In this he has followed the Vedic seer who affirmed that God is greatest wealth (rayi) a wealth which is undiminishing and infinite Achyuta, Ananta and Amrta. Thus Sri Ramanuja also affirmed that the Brahma or God is the goal of human life and in fact all life.
The means or Upaya is also He. This is what is expressed in the last part of the prayer, for He alone has the power to lead us. Indeed God is God because he is the Power and the only Power which could take us to that state of his Paramapada, Supreme Abode (dhama) from which there is no return, even as the Gita-acharya says. Other powers can lead us to their abodes but the Supreme Being alone can lead us to His abode. This is very important to remember for the Supreme Being is one only and all other powers are subordinate to Him unless He Himself wills it or commands it. Therefore God who is the Ultimate alone is the Power that can take us to that state of His. All teachers are commanded to take one to that state by Him. But if the teachers are not competent or have not the Adesa then it cannot be done by them. In our samstha we find, the transmitted force by the Master is the Highest Consciousness of God Himself that is capable of leading one through all the images of the created private world of ours. Thus superconsciousness is higher than the vijnana or supermind, even as it is above everything such as mind and the senses. The yogas which use the human mind fail, and surely those which use the prana and others also fail. It is not quite clear whether the supermind will succeed, as it is but a penultimate mind and not the Supreme Being Himself. Indeed the intermediating of the mind of any kind is ruled out, for these are but formations of that Power in Its Ksobha or creative manifestations.
The Supreme Being or God and Master alone can lead us to that Goal. In the ancient Veda it is said that Agni who is the divine will alone leads us to that Highest State, because he knows the devious ways and can surmount the crooked way of descent of man (jatavedas) and turn us to the true path (supatha) that is subtle and direct, to the Centre. Our Master who is one with God is verily the Knower of the paths of descent and ascent and, therefore, can individually lead every individual to that Highest State

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