Page 79 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 79

 supervising. Unless real education becomes in its true spiritual sense possible, brotherhood will remain an idle concept and an ideal that can only be spoken of and cannot be practised.
So in our Samstha we do not make it a catch-phrase. It is a working concept for self-education and growth of all abhyasis and leads to sharing in Ultimate Grace and transformation of ourselves into Divine nature. Spiritual force is all that we can have for mutual help and transformation. We must pray to God for the welfare of all creation Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu. The compassion of Buddha or Ashoka is not so much for the physical and the economic miseries of mankind as for the spiritual distortion and perversion of man which they sought to rectify as brothers of man and all creation. The true passion of the Guru and God is precisely this effort which they take for saving the souls from wandering into the wilderness of materialism. Pray for the change of all men towards the Divine and seek to assist all to change themselves. God alone is our refuge and guide and power to lead us to that society of spiritual brotherhood all the time and forever.

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