Page 96 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 96

 Since thought in its subtlest form is the origin of all process and building up of the gross physical, vital, and mental bodies so to speak, thought even in its gross form is utilized to break up these structures. The simple method is the method of concentration which is the linking up of our thought (gross form) with its subtlest form (that is of Reality). This subtlest form is that of the Master, and that is why the Master becomes the object of concentration. All religions counsel the concentration or meditation on the Godhead who is claimed to be Adi Guru - the first Guru or the Guru of all Gurus. Concentration on that Guru leads to the loss of grossness of the thought which is ours, and slowly there happens the transformation of that thought into subtle conditions. The thought within us moves slowly to the Ultimate. And in this process there is achieved a double end, firstly, thought purifies itself by contact with the Ultimate and secondly, moves to that Ultimate Being or state or condition faster and faster.
As our thought slowly moves upwards or takes its yatra or pilgrimage to the Ultimate, renunciation of thought in its lower forms and movements take place naturally. So too, our thought becomes subtler and subtler and thus reveals its own true nature. Thus the renunciation of the lower levels happens without effort by fixing it on the Ultimate as the goal. The individual begins to realise that the individual mind has become such when it began to get away from the Centre of Peace (the Ultimate).
More important, of course, is the point that the soul begins to get the Ultimate's peace and calmness; and simplicity begins to descend even as the individual is moving towards it or has totally surrendered to its contemplation. For it is a truth that one becomes what one contemplates. Thus the meditation on the Ultimate is the first condition of ascent. As Shri Ram Chandraji states "the gentle waves of the Calm of the Region of the Almighty begin to flow direct to the individual mind and so in the long run you become one with it" (Efficacy of Rajayoga P.10). The meditation on the Ultimate having been decided on and the Ultimate having been recognized as the Guru or God, it follows as to where and as what the Ultimate has to be meditated upon.
Shri Ram Chandraji has clearly stated that there are certain minimum assumptions : firstly, there is the Ultimate; secondly, that this Ultimate

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