Page 110 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 110
Practice and Efficacy of Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga
years ago but their messages and instructions were followed more in breach.
Though it is too early to bring in one more Avatar, having failed with the Prophets sent to reform human nature, Nature was waiting for a proper person to be prepared as a Special Personality who would be required to overhaul the entire Universe and set things in order. No such Personality was ever sent by Nature so far as the situation never warranted such a move. Nature had to provide for such a Special Personality. Nature had necessary powers not only for construction and reformation but also for destruction. Such was the position of the world during beginning of the 20th century and as there was no other possibility for the Nature to overhaul it, except to prepare a person to the stature of a Special Personality. A highly evolved soul was deputed to prepare such a Special Personality by Nature in the form of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Fatehgarh (also called Lalaji Maharaj) on 2nd February, 1873 and he was