Page 167 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 167
Story of Revered Dr. K.C. Varadachari
himself is not the one to lead him in the path. The sincere seeker in the philosopher was totally confused and decided to seek help from Divine at his own place, Tirupati. Never did he seek the help from others in the path by going to them, but waited patiently for the Master to arrive at his doorstep.
At the same time Sri Venkateswara Oriental Institute was started by the T.T.D. The most revered Vedantacharya of the day, Sriman Mahamahopadhyaya Chetlur Narsimhachariar Swamin was the first professor of the Chair of Visistadvaita and Bhagavadvishaya in the Sri Venkateswara Oriental Institute. He invited Dr. K.C. Varadachari to join the Institute as Professor of Comparative Religion and Philosophy and thus he moved into his native place where he was to work till his retirement in the S.V. University in 1962.
During his tenure at the Oriental Institute and later he developed close association with Sriram D.T.Tatachariar Swami along with whom he has written many commentaries on the Upanishads notably Isa, Kena, Katha and Prasna. While working