Page 186 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 186
Practice and Efficacy of Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga
straight at the Para Brahmand Mandal and after entering into Para Brahmand on 17th May 57 advanced in the same region on 14th June and finished journey in Para Brahmand Mandal on 17th Aug. 1957. He entered into the Central region 30th Aug 1959.
His first daughter Padmini was married on 26th May 1961. This was a marriage with his cousin Y.K.Srinivasan who was totally devoted to him and his wife and who treated them as their gurus. He is the son of Sri. Narasimhachariar his uncle. But his daughter did not like the alliance and opted for a marriage with some one outside the family tradition and culture. Master Sri Ramchandraji did send a note to Padmini and also Rs.101/-. Doctor felt that there is change in her and prayed that it be permanent. Master wrote to him that his Master remained at Tirupati with him for several days together and this he (master) could observe on 24th May and also continued to say that he left doctors house on 26th May at 10-55 P.M. He said further that he is so happy with this marriage and offered