Page 191 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 191
Story of Revered Dr. K.C. Varadachari
Therefore whenever he went to Madras he used to enquire about his second son who was working there. Many a time his son used to be busy with his work and would not turn up to the bus station or arrive later leading to the professor feeling the same. He however considered the abhyasis who came to the bus station as those representing his son and in fact did call Parthasarathi as his son since he never missed coming to receive him. He delivered lectures in the university till March 1966 when the assignment was completed. On 10th July 1966, his second son got married.
He was Director of the Sahaj Marg Research Institute started at Tirupati in 1965. He presented the system of Sahaj Marg as a New Darshana in 1966. This is the book where he challenged others to examine the system as a method of Raja Yoga. It is well known that apart from the Shad Darshanas, no one ever tried to call a system of realization or Philosophy as a darshana. Even Advaita, Visistadvaita and Dvaita are differences in the Uttara