Page 28 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 28
Practice and Efficacy of Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga
Yoga is union, as a gross reflection of this concept of a union we started talking in terms of a family institution around 7 to 8 thousand years back. Family as an institution started a distinguishing feature between animal and man. Animals do not have families, we have. Because we used the thought process earlier and we have found that living for ourselves doesn’t make sense. Sharing alone makes sense. It is on that principle of sharing; we started living with others for a lifetime. If we do not have a sharing principle and if marriage is only an institution for satisfying our physiological urges it is bound to fail. This is a development in our thinking from our egocentric selfish approach, which goes today by the name of independent approach, as against one of participation, co-operation, sacrifice and service. Family as an institution is capable of meeting that demand. We started families; families grew bigger, we still continued to work with the old parents. Great grandfathers lived with their great grand children, not because they could afford such a big family, but because they had broadness of heart,
by which they could share whatever little they had.