Page 48 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 48
Practice and Efficacy of Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga
earlier. The attachment to work has to be stopped but not the action. As the Gita says get detached from the action but not from performing the act itself. After Brahmacharya you have asteya and aparigraha. These two principles are already made clear in the mantra of the Isa through the words ‘tenatyaktena’ and ‘bhunjitah’. Unless you follow these five principles you do not come to the status of a human or Manava. To come to this level it has been stated in tradition that it will take 82 lakhs of lives to achieve the level of man.
The progress in spiritual life up to this level should enable us to live without self-illusion i.e. the delusion of an ‘I’ presiding over all our actions. Further we reach a state where there is no doubt about the real nature of life and lastly we learn that rituals and rites only bind us and does not help us to liberate ourselves. We learn that words and acts should be perfectly moral, we should abstain from killing, stealing, adultery, lying and avoid intoxicants. This is the level of the human being. Those who are not at this stage are no where near D consciousness