Page 76 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 76
Practice and Efficacy of Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga
This objective of the practice namely achieving happiness is naturally dependent on Peace and Harmony that an individual can achieve. Peace and Harmony invariably involve others in the consideration. Therefore the basic and essential inter relatedness of existence has to be known, realised and then practiced. For this the method suggested by the Master is the development of necessary moderation in all spheres of life leading to a balanced way of living.
The system does not propose any austere measures to be practiced to curtail Kama (Sex urge) and Krodha (Anger). He gives practical methods of meditation on certain points identified and located by him. He further makes it clear that annihilation of these basic urges will only engender life itself. He says they are God given and cannot be annihilated. He advocates certain purificatory practices in addition to the meditational practices and also advises the individuals to take help from other brothers and sisters who are capable of assisting them in this regard through the system of Pranahuti.