Page 8 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 8
Practice and Efficacy of Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga
that we now exercise. The twists and turns or inversions (vivarta) that that thought has gone through in its becoming (pravrtti) have to be unwinded or untwisted or reinverted so as to become the original thought. Therefore, the true purpose of philosophy is to restore its original power to thought and then use it to know Reality, rather than try to know Reality with the help of these twisted and distorted instruments.
Ancient Indian thinkers have laid down three conditions for arriving at truth or Reality: (i) the subject or knower must be healthy and not obsessed by desires; (ii) the object should be without ambiguous or similar nature to other objects so as to give rise to illusions; (iii) the means or instruments of knowing or thought (pramana) must be without any defect. The error or deficiencies of the subject lead to hallucinations and errors of prejudice and desire; the errors of the second lead to illusions, and the third also to error. Thus Reality which is of the highest nature cannot be truly comprehended or apprehended by means of the senses or reasoning