Page 81 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 81
The Practice of Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga and its Efficacy
Unless this nature of total dependency on God for existence is known it would not be possible to accept miseries of existence as Divine blessings.
This relates to knot 2 and therefore meditation on point B helps a lot in achieving this level.
6. Commandment 6. T o practice this commandment one should know the nature of the self clearly as interdependent with other forms of existence apart from the Divinity itself.
This relates to the condition of knots 2 and 3 and therefore can be easily practised only when one is regular with the meditation on both the ‘B’ and ‘A’ points.
7. Commandment 7. To practice this commandment it is necessary that one should know that he is totally dependent on God and mainly his devotee consciousness.
This relates to the condition of knots 2 and 3 and therefore even as in 6th commandment meditation on both the ‘A’ and ‘B’ points is