Page 67 - Ecstasy and Agony in the Journey to Infinity
P. 67

27. 􏰀సము (Mosamu)
A stage of development in spirituality, when a person behaves as something, which he is not, the beginnings of egoism. Pseudo saints, pseudo Masters’ are not any rarity. Beware of becoming one!
This story from Aesop fable is given to elaborate this further. A fox, a lion, a leopard and a camel become friends. After some time due to drought, all four animals barely get anything to eat. The fox plays a trick on the camel, where it offers its own meat for the survival of its friends, the friends reject it. Next the unassuming camel offers its own meat for the survival of its friends. Pouncing at the invitation, the lion kills the camel. The fox here behaves like a true friend, which he is not and this is cheating.

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