Page 92 - Ecstasy and Agony in the Journey to Infinity
P. 92

If we want to come out of krodha, it is not so easy. We need guru krupa.
Krodhaatbhavati sammohah. It is a mental imbalance of excessive attachment to oneself. Sammoha means that the person has moha towards himself. Attachment to one’s own ideas and possessions is sammohamu
Krodha is not the anger that one gets. When it comes to krodha there is a vengeful attitude. It is not rage, which is excess of anger. An example is when mustard seeds are put in hot oil, they burst very spontaneously. If one goes near by, there are chances that our face may get burnt by that bursting. It makes no sense, krodha is also mostly like that.
If an example be given for krodha, it is Parasurama that best describes it. It was with vengence and definite knowledge that whenever a kshatriya was born, he would be eliminated. He is still considered as an avatar.
Aswatthama is another person who had krodha who had killed the upa panadavas. It was not only a retaliation by him but he was very competent also. Even if one wants retaliation, if there is no competence, then krodha will not
come. Such a person would become a cheat like

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