Page 109 - Goal of Life
P. 109

COMMANDMENT 7\u000A\u201CBE NOT REVENGEFUL FOR THE WRONGS DONE BY OTHERS. T AKE THEM WITH GRATITUDE AS HEAVENLY GIFTS\u201D.\u000AThis is a Command the full comprehension of which can be appreciated and felt once we achieve adequate levels of spiritual growth: \u201CTo be not revengeful for the wrongs done by others\u201D is possible only once we are clear in our minds the reason, and logic behind this and more importantly the futility and counter- productivity in being revengeful. We have talked about individual soul - Jiva - being in a state of multiplicity due to its feeling of \u2018otherness\u0027 and its defect of seeing only others and not itself. This in effect, creates a state of illusion. It begins to perform selfish actions which contain wonder, greed, envy, hatred, competition, enmity, selfishness and desires. Wounding others feelings is the worst among these. The reaction to these actions - may be termed as ordained punishment - is sorrow and suffering. All religions, therefore, generally agree that whatever happens is the result of our own actions. Nobody ever suffers in contravention of this principle. This can be correlated to the cause and effect theory to some extent. We can, therefore, conclude that it is really the fate or destiny we have built up ourselves. There\u000Ais a need to analyse this action and reaction cycle.\u000A104\u000A

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