Page 113 - Goal of Life
P. 113

COMMANDMENT 8\u000A\u201CBE HAPPY TO EAT IN CONSTANT DIVINE THOUGHT WHATEVER YOU GET WITH DUE REGARDS TO HONEST AND PIOUS EARNINGS\u201D.\u000AThis sacred Commandment has two specific aspects. Firstly, whatever one gets to eat, it must be through pious and honest earnings. Secondly, we should be happy to eat that in constant Divine thought. The first principle of honest and pious earnings mostly covers our conduct in material life. So, the philosophy involved in it starts from materiality and ends in the final state, we all have to arrive at - Constant Divine Thought. Whatever we get from Nature is very pure because its basis is purity. The thing earned by man can also remain in a pure state when that is got through pure, honest and pious means. When we earn in such a manner, the influence thereof will affect the layers of veils we have built around and help purify the web of tiny network and creation of our own, which we have erected. Unless one is seriously concerned with the means of our earning, there will be no end to the formation of Samskaras (impressions). Due to our dishonest and impure methods, we resort to such ways exclusively to satisfy our own unending desires and thus get irretrievably caught in the whirlpool of materiality and grossness with its cascading and\u000Aexpanding effect. All religions give great prominence\u000A108\u000A

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